PADI Open Water Diver Course

De la USD 470,00 $
  • Durata: 5 Zile (aprox.)
  • Locatie: Eilat, South
  • Cod produs: owd

There is probably not a single person who is indifferent to the beauties of the sea depths. Bright colorful coral reefs, varied schools of party-coloured fish and other sea inhabitants, unknown secrets that lay deep down – all this you can reach doing scuba diving in Eilat. Experienced instructors of our diving center will help everyone see all this beauty with their own eyes.

A beginner does not have to go through a long training course to make his first dive. All you need is to sing up for an Open Water Diver course, after which you will be able to enjoy the wonderful underwater world of the Red sea under the supervision of a qualified instructor.

What does an Open Water Diver course give you

Open Water Diver course is 5 days long. The maximum depth of plunging is 18 meters. Underwater practice is absolutely safe, because it is carried out under the guidance of an experienced and certified instructor. There is no need for an additional insurance, as it is already included in the price of the course. The diving center also provides you with equipment that is required to dive for 18 meters as a part of practical lesson.

Before the start of the course every participant gets a full set of educative information. During the Open Water Diver course every student:

  • goes through a course of theoretical lessons of a certified instructor
  • watches and educative video, provided by the certifying agency
  • receives practical skills in the swimming pool and in open water

Having finished an Open Water Diver course and successfully passed the examination all the divers receive a certificate and are able to dive for not more than 18 meters in any part of the world.

What are the Open Water Diver course requirements

Open Water Diver course is available to everyone who meets the next requirements:

  1. Age is from 12 to 80 years old. Under aged participants must have a written permission from their parents or care-takers.
  2. Participants have to be in good health. Before the course all the part-takers fill in a small medical form. Participants who are older than 65 have to provide a medical paper proving their good health.

Do not forget that our diving center can provide you with an underwater photo and video shooting. Don’t miss out on opportunity to inscribe the memory of your first practical experience as a