PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy Diving Course
- Durata: 1 Zile (aprox.)
- Locatie: Eilat, South
- Cod produs: Buoyancy
The ability to skillfully control your body in the water distinguishes a professional from a beginner. “Perfect Buoyancy” or “Expert Buoyancy Control” – this is what really helps an ordinary diver become a master. Our diving center in Eilat invites everyone who likes diving to go through one of a kind diving course “Perfect Buoyancy”
- for those who just finished Open Water or Scuba Diver course
- for those who has experience and a number of dives in their pocket, but due to different circumstances did not dive for quite a time.
Purpose of the course
As a result of the “Perfect Buoyancy” special course you will gain such skills as:
- the ability to dive into the water for longer periods of time and learn to reduce the use of air;
- to have a closer look at the inhabitants of the sea depths
- keep your equipment safe for years
- prevent the sea flora and fauna from careless treatment
The content of the course
In just one day you will be able to:
- correctly assess your buoyancy skills
- try your buoyancy skills in practice (you will make a dive under the supervision of experienced instructors);
- get practical recommendations on streamlining, visualization and choosing weights;
- learn to breathe properly under the water and later to use this new technique in the everyday life;
- have practical exercises under the water;
- learn to make high-quality pictures under water.
Note: if a diver inhales under water he floats up a little and floats down a little in the time of exhaling. The ideal (neutral) buoyancy – is when a diver “freezes” on the same depths with a 10 centimeters range.
Requirements to the divers and technical details of the special course
You can start having lessons in our diving center since the age of 12 (under the condition that parents of the under aged sign a special permission document). To go through a “Perfect Buoyancy” special course a diver needs to have a minimum diving level Open Water Diver and be in good state of health.
All the necessary information about the beginning of the course you can find on our web-site or from your instructor. Come and master your skills together with professional instructors of the best diving center in Eilat “AHLA”!