PADI Open Water Diver Course + Advanced Open Water Diver Course

Cena od USD 793,00 USD
  • Trvanie: 7 Dní (cca.)
  • Poloha: Eilat, South
  • Kód produktu: ow+aowd


  • Preparation and assembly of your scuba equipment 

  • Hand signals used underwater 

  • Dive planning

  • Pre-dive buddy safety check

  • Buoyancy control

  • Proper descent and ascent

  • Buddy breathing

  • BCD Oral Inflation

  • Disassembly of equipment 

  • And more...


For diving in Israel, you need insurance. Don’t you have one? No problem, you can buy it while you’re here. You need to be 12 to 80 years old. For underaged participants, written permission from their parents or caretakers is required. Participants who are 45 and older must provide a medical declaration to prove their good physical health.